An Introduction to Ethical Trust
Ethics and Trust are both about relationships:
Ethical Trust provides quantitative, as well as qualitative, analysis of Levels of Trust amongst the stakeholders of an organization.
This includes internal stakeholders, as well as the people and groups the organization services.
By quantifying discrete aspects of Trust, Ethical Trust reveals specific strengths and weaknesses in the ethical culture of an organization.
When tied to other organizational metrics, Ethical Trust® provides a “roadmap” – targeted and actionable strategies for optimizing stakeholder trust.
As a result, the impact of ethical codes, training, and implementation can be measured, understood, and managed – supporting an organization’s top level goals and mission.
How Does Ethical Trust Work?
Ethical Trust® is based on the premise that Trust is the end goal of Ethics… and Trust, when analyzed into its discrete components, can be measured and quantified.
Ethical Trust® Grid
The result is the easy to use and to visualize Ethical Trust® (ET) Grid.
The ET Grid incorporates up to 6 Aspects of Trust on the horizontal axis:
Competency, Intentions, Shared Values, Integrity,
Communications, Allied Interests
And 3 Dimensions of Trust on the Vertical Axis:
· Personal, Organizational, Global
The Grid can also analyze 2 Qualities of Trust:
· Rational, Emotional
Using online technologies, ET Grids are quickly constructed – from the simplest to the most sophisticated.
The Impact of Data –
New Ways to See the World
The Ethical Trust® paradigm permits us to see the world and understand it as a web of relationships - and determine through quantitative analysis the quality of these relationships.
When tied to other organizational metrics, Ethical Trust allows us to understand and measure the impact of changes in the levels of trust on an organization’s goals and mission.
Data Mining:Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Multicultural Relations
When data is collected and cross-referenced with other metrics, Ethical Trust® has the potential to be a revolutionary research and discovery tool.
Advances in artificial intelligence (A.I.) allow for computer analytics to examine complex and multifaceted data. A.I. has the potential to uncover ground-breaking patterns and insights.
These insights – which are based on numbers, not words - can help us to better navigate in an interconnected and diverse multicultural world.
Operational effectiveness and the ability to meet the expectations of an organization’s stakeholders depend on upholding high ethical standards of conduct that instill trust in every encounter.
How Does Ethical Trust Impact Organizations?
The Goal: Better Relationships ˃ Better Communities ˃ a Better World
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