Robert Edelman
(from the Edelman Report on Trust)
Today, there is a dramatic loss of trust - and with it the implied loss of ethical standards - throughout every aspect of our society. (See Edelman Trust Barometer Report.) This loss of trust fundamentally impacts every organization’s efficacy and bottom line. On a larger scale, the degradation of trust undermines the very fabric of our society.
Ethical Trust® (ET) is a new paradigm. It is based on the premise that the end goal of ethics is to create trusting relationships. High-trust organizations are implicitly ethical.
Using proprietary models and software technologies, ET analyzes, measures, and quantifies discrete components of trust and provides composite scores. When tied to other organizational metrics, this intelligence offers a roadmap for the implementation of targeted strategies to optimize levels of trust between stakeholders throughout an organization. When the stakeholder pool is expanded to include communities, the environment, the society-at-large, Ethical Trust® offers a measurable approach to bettering the world.
Ethics and Trust are the foundation upon which our society is based. Ethics-based Trust, or Ethical Trust, as we call it, is an essential element to good personal client relationships, business to business relations, and superior management relationships. When trust is violated it undermines entire institutions, governments, and economies.
Though this fact is generally acknowledged as true, making ethical
trust a working component of marketing strategies and business delivery remains
elusive. The challenge is that trust has heretofore been an abstract and
qualitative reality, resistant to quantification. As a result trust has rarely
been directly addressed in business.
In addition, press headlines, social media, and the current political climate
negatively bias both the customer base and the working population in its
perception of trust. In today’s culture it has become imperative to not only
understand trust, but to implement ethical strategies to cultivate it.
Business practices that focus solely on high margin returns and do not include an “ethical trust factor” run the risk of failed expectations and disaffection of its markets. Addressing strategies that balance high revenue return with high levels of trust provide the foundation for long term sustainability and growth.
The Power of Ethical Trust is a simple, direct program. It begins with the analysis and quantification of trust between stakeholders, providing a roadmap for actionable strategies that can be implemented and be applied to:
Many ethics-based training programs are defensive, creating heightened stress in the workplace. Ethical Trust programs are proactive, striving to create positive workplace cultures.
Recognizing that each organization faces unique challenges, every Ethical Trust program is customized - in consultation with an organization’s management - to meet those needs.
The ETHICAL TRUST Principle: An
ideal where individuals, institutions, and community (the stakeholders) share
trusting relationships. Each stakeholder’s interests
are met - and balanced as much as possible - through trusting relationships with all
the other stakeholders.
Trust is measured and quantified on an individual and group basis, allowing for evaluation and improvement.
actions used to optimize these trusting relationships are ethical strategies.
Ethics creates Trust. Ethical standards and behaviors are the assurance that the Trust offered is real and will not be broken or violated.
Ethics is often defined as “doing the right thing” – discovering the right “actions” to deal with morally complex or ambiguous scenarios.
Ethical Trust provides a perspective of what are the best actions to take – that are Ethical and will develop and maintain Trust.
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